A propósito de um post no blog de Madelena Lello sobre fotografia italiana, deixo algumas imagens do fotógrafo Guido Guidi e um pequeno texto sobre o autor. Na edição deste ano da Photo London, tive a oportunidade de ver vintage prints deste autor e fiquei incrivelmente impressionado com a tonalidade das imagens, que de algum modo me fizeram lembrar as imagens do Luigi Ghirri, pois tratam-se de impressões analógicas em que as cores parecem estar ligeiramente esbatidas e com uma ligeira sobrexposição.
"Since the end of the sixties Guido Guidi photographs ‘still lifes’. First in Black and White and afterwards in colour. ‘Still lifes’ for Guidi are highways, bunkers, empty spaces, abandoned industrial nucleus and the landscape. He knows how to translate them from often ugly places into warm poetic beauty. The play with light and shadow and his perfect eye for detail, gives us a view into a constantly changing world, to which one would not have known it is existing.
The subject is not that important for the artist.
The way he photographs it remains the same.
‘One can perhaps describe photography as a free zone or as an area where the aesthetics hardly was coded and compromised.’
‘I am more interested in the sign of times as for the sign of history. I feel that it is difficult, to photograph space and impossible to photograph time. But the last subject could be a great challenge.’
(two quotes from the catalogue ‘‘Im Untergrund/Below Ground Leve/’, an interview from Nanni Baltzer with Guido Guidi. Exhibition in HAUS FÜR KUNST URI, Altdorf, Switzerland)".
"Since the end of the sixties Guido Guidi photographs ‘still lifes’. First in Black and White and afterwards in colour. ‘Still lifes’ for Guidi are highways, bunkers, empty spaces, abandoned industrial nucleus and the landscape. He knows how to translate them from often ugly places into warm poetic beauty. The play with light and shadow and his perfect eye for detail, gives us a view into a constantly changing world, to which one would not have known it is existing.
The subject is not that important for the artist.
The way he photographs it remains the same.
‘One can perhaps describe photography as a free zone or as an area where the aesthetics hardly was coded and compromised.’
‘I am more interested in the sign of times as for the sign of history. I feel that it is difficult, to photograph space and impossible to photograph time. But the last subject could be a great challenge.’
(two quotes from the catalogue ‘‘Im Untergrund/Below Ground Leve/’, an interview from Nanni Baltzer with Guido Guidi. Exhibition in HAUS FÜR KUNST URI, Altdorf, Switzerland)".
excelente dar a conhecer Guido Guidi, obrigado
eu sou a fotografo espanhol, e gosto muito desde autor, sebro todo da tua visão sobre o paisagem alterado pelo homme.
carlos albalá
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